August 6, 2009

2004 - 2005 News Updated:

I went through the old Yume website and copied all the updates for those years. I thought that I had started putting images in the news updates in 2007, but I was horribly wrong.

For a moment I thought I would have to create some new design elements in the CSS code to place the images, however it was quite simple. I only had to click on the insert image icon in Dreamweaver and I was done. I also had to go back to my CSS and XHTML books to relearn some code. I'm starting to have a better understanding again of CSS code. It has been a very very long time since I wrote the code for my websites. I should be able to have 2006 - 2007 completed by tomorrow. I'll also try to write up how things went for SDCC 2009.

August 3rd

Yume website Update:

I had some problems with the site design over the weekend. I was also trying to finish an illustration. I did not finish either yet. However, If you have been checking out the home page since SDCC, then you will have noticed the design change.

To the right, I've created a navigation tool for updates. Right now, they will send you to the old YUME COMICS Main, Galleries and Events page. The News page has also been redesigned slightly. I should be able to update the early years 2004 - 2006 this week since they don't have any images in the blog pages. 2007 is when I started using thumbnails on the Old News/Blog page and that will need some design tweaking again. Hopefully, it won't be to difficult.

If you click on the NEWS links on the navigation menu, it will bring you to a cloned page. The COMICS, GALLERIES & EVENTS LINKS on the navigation menu will lead you to the Old Yume site for their respective pages. The SHARE & CONTACT links also have cloned pages with no content yet.

August 1st

Yume site Redesign:

This weekend I'll be adding more to the news updates. I am hoping to have everything from 2004 to date reposted. There will be some more design adjustments. If I can I'll try to have the photos from SDCC 2009 on the website as well. I have to design how the "Events Gallery" in general is going to look so I'm not sure I'll be able to post them just yet.

The Events Gallery and Contact page will be the next part of construction for the Yume website. The Art Galleries and Share/Network pages will follow. The Comics' pages will be last, because I need to redesign their presentation and they'll have their own domains branching off of the Yume site.

July 21th

Yume site Redesign & Update:

SiteGrinder2 is one of the reasons I'm able to start rebuilding the Yume Comics website from scratch again. It is an excellent way to design a website, especially from a Graphic design sense. I originally was creating my websites from HTML and CSS. I was hoping to learn Dreamweaver to (I think this is the 4th incarnation of the site design) start the newest version, but I am still lacking greatly in my Dreamweaver knowledge. I know Photoshop really well and SiteGrinder is a Photoshop Plugin. I've been up for many a night working on the revamp. If you click on the comic link it will bring you to the old yume site. Sadly. it won't be totally completed by the time I leave for San Diego Comic Con. (SDCC). I still need to finish a number of art works for the show. Speacking of the show.

Yume Comics will be in Row S02 in the Small Press Section of the Exhibitor's Hall. It is the Small Press Row that is against the wall. I almost wasn't going to make it this year do to financial and other reasons. I am very glad I have gotten the chance to return. I think it will be the 5th or 6th time in a row now. I can't believe that the convention is celebrating its 40th year. It will be great to see a lot of Independent guys I only get to see on the west coast. I love the show and hope everyone a great time.